I a n D o u g l a s - J o n e s
ANARCHITECTURE: APPROPRIATION OF SPACE IN THE CITY‘‘We can’t do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles, in the mean time we should all go shopping to console ourselves’’ (Banksy, 1997)
I intend to explore the current epoch of late consumer capitalism, how our ideologies of success in a hierarchical society, and the totalitarian tendency of capitalism / globalization is producing non-place, voids in our seemingly dense urban fabric, slices, scraps, areas, zones, buildings, dereliction, remnants and residuum.
Can these spaces be appropriated, commandeered, colonized, reedited or recomposed? In an era of reckless urban sprawl, and the excess production of space, surely re-use and re-appropriation is more sustainable?Click to download and read the full work. (34MB)