I a n   D o u g l a s - J o n e s


This epoch, a chaotic maelstrom of information, jagged & leering. The over production of information, the self gratification of the image; this
era is toying with Narcissus’ fate. Yet stillness can be sought in this abyss, clarity rhythm & order, a higher state of enlightenment maybe
reached when information coalesces & ultimate knowledge prevails. The sculpture assumes two metaphors: Buddha’s sudden enlightenment
& Narcissus; delusional chaotic & fractured. The enlightened state is represented by the rhythm & order present in the sculptures' repetitive
pattern of polished stainless steel. Narcissus is represented by the gradual & chaotic dispersant of the pattern. The overall forms tripartite
plan twists anti-clockwise towards the sky, this represents the Sanskrit. The three arms of the tripartite plan are in turn formed by four nodal
points, these represent the four arms of the sanskrit, these multiplied represent the 12 links of causality, the principle tenants of Buddhism.

to one of 8 INDJ has joined forces once again with Ben Rousseau and also this time with Shanghai Sculptor and environmental artist Tianshi Lu.
The invitation to submit for a large public work of art and entry to the Gallerie* exhibition in London.

Exhibition open for viewing from 11th Febuary 2011. Free Admission.For more info click here.